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Thursday, 28 June 2012
6th Edition: Hull Points, Cover Saves, USR, Wound Allocation and More!
Just in case you cannot get enough.... There is always more. Here is a long set with lots of information taken from our about to be released 6th edition rulebook. There is a lot of good information, so take a look.
via andyc over at Warseer
Dark Eldar Raiders, Ravagers, Razorwings, and Voidravens have 3 hull points, Venoms have 2
Cover saves seem to be taken on a per model basis, so when you get shot you allocate the wounds how you wish, but the cover save is per model, not per unit. The model only needs to be 25% obscured to earn a cover save
You can choose to focus fire on a unit in which case you pick a cover save and the enemy can only allocate wounds against models with that cover save or worse.
Plasma grenades can be thrown
And they shall know no fear breaks all the rules with regard to fear checks, falling back, regrouping.
Characters are not only the independent characters but squad leaders, even monstrous creatures in some cases. All of these characters can issue a challenge and then subsequently be helped out by a stronger character with an intervention
Slow and purposeful simply move 6, but cannot run
Gargoyles are still jump infantry and subject to dangerous terrain tests, but also get skyhammer
In area terrain you get +2 to cover save
Random game lengths are in, same as 5th
Reserves are roll 3+ turn 2, 3+ turn 3, and auto enter turn 4
Nightfighting gets rolled for in turn 1 on a 4+. If it doesn't activate then you roll for it again turn 5
Bikes get the skyhammer rule, and get armour saves against failed dangerous terrain tests
Skilled rider gets you +1 to your cover save
Beasts can now climb levels
to hit chart and to wound chart is like 5th. You can't wound everything on 6's
challenges are made in the fight subphase
issue a challenge like fantasy, only one challenge per combat phase
nominate a guy to challenge
nominate a guy to accept a challenge
if you refuse the enemy can choose one of your characters not to attack this phase
move the guys to base contact
only only challenger and challenged can hit each other
if you only have one character and the other character has a unit as well then there is a bonus reroll for every 5 'spectators'
unsaved wounds add to the overall combat res
they continue to fight, even if a space marine flees and is caught with ATSKNF
glorious intervention allows you to switch characters with initiative test
How I understand it you decide at the beginning of your movement whether the flier is zooming or hovering. If zooming you then turn if you want and move however far you want. You then use those rules to decide what you can shoot and at what BS.
land raider is just tank and transport, no heavy (I was surprised at that)
only one character can attempt glorious intervention per turn but you can do the switch each turn
characters can do precision strikes and choose the model afflicted when they roll a 6 to hit. Independent characters get a 4+ lookout sir to take it on another model.
leman russ 3, ork battlewagon 4 hull points sentinel gets 2
exploded vehicle same as 5th str 3 hit d6 from vehicle
suspect vector strikes will get cover save as it is counted as shooting a weapon
bikes don't get the 3+ cover save but other than that not much changed. Can move 2d6 in assault phase, still +1 toughness, also get hammer impact hits, cannot go to ground, cannot be pinned. I have a marine biker army so have looked at the bikes quite a bit.
Singing spear (as it is in book) 12" str X AP6 ass 1
No entry for boneswords or lashwhips and so I expect them to be hit with the AP3 nerfbat
primary objectives are controlled now. one unit can only control one objective (massive change) control is being within 3"
troops are scoring units. vehicles are not scoring and cannot contest (unless stated by the mission)
swarms cannot contest (now called denial)
objectives can be mysterious and you roll on a table.
1 sabotaged str4 hits to whole unit,
2 nothing,
3 skyfire nexus, unit gets skyfire rule,
4 targeting relay, reroll1s when shooting,
5 scatterfield +1 coversave,
6 grav wave generator unit charging will halve charge range
move within 3" and then roll for it or use your spangly GW dice.
one mission uses the objective dice to assign values to objecitves but you can create the markers yourself
No shining spear entry in book, laser lance is 6" range, st6ap6ass1
fast skimmer combat speed all weapons, cruising speed 2 weapon at full ballistic skill (yes, Venoms still great)
normal vehicle can move 12" in movment phase and 6" in shooting phase flat out
fast vehicles can move 12" in movement phase, and 12" in shooting phase flat out
fast skimmers can move 12" in movement phase and 18" in shooting phase flat out
No parry rule
squadrons must stay within 4"
individual models declare flat out moves
shots at squadrons are resolved to nearest model first, one at a time
when that model is destroyed move to the next nearest
if a model is immobilised the rest can abandon it. The immobilised vehicle is then an indiviidual model (cool)
if a model is stunned it can't be abandoned
A flyer that zooms has a combat speed of 18 and a crusing speed of 36. a zooming flyer can never voluntarily move less than 18
railgun is the same
you can roll a 6+ against a psychic attack on that unit to stop the attack
if you have a psyker in the unit who has equal or less mastery level it is 5+
if you have a psyker in the unit with higher mastery level it is 4+
if you have a guy with psychic hood within 6" of the unit you can roll as if he were in the unit
interestingly if the psyker is in a vehicle he can only help the vehicle
Units don't get cover anymore. Individual models roll for their individual cover save
rend has no change, although it is clarified as a to wound roll of 6 is AP2 and add d3 to strength against vehicles
I think force weapons are the same allbeit the power part is AP3. Activate the weapon with ld test and it causes ID. You will see more GK's activating force weapons, and DTW (Deny the Witch) rolls cannot be taken against them
allied battle brothers cannot embark allied transports.
They are AP-, get armourbane +2d6 Armour Penetration and fleshbane wound on 2+
The focus fire thing allows you to choose which models to hit and that is judged by what individual cover save they get.
If you shoot normally you roll to hit and roll for wounds as normal. You then roll for armour saves and any failed ones represent unsaved wounds, and in multiple wound cases you kill one model and then move to the next model and so on. Your opponent gets to choose which AP wounds are allocated first. characters roll a look out sir of 4+ to pass it on to another model. It seems to me that you allocate wounds to the nearest model first, and as you come across a model which deserves a cover save, you then roll for it. If everyone has armour saves then you simply roll all the armour saves and start taking off models. If there is no armour save then you take off nearest models and roll cover saves for those in cover. Hope that make sense.
You disembark as long as the vehicle has moved less than 6", ie combat speed. You disembark in the movement phase and its 6" from exit points. You then get your shooting phase and the vehicle can then move flat out or shoot.
Page 79, "Disembarking restrictions: After disembarking, models can shoot, counting as having moved, or choose to Run in their subsequent shooting phase, but cannot declare a charge in their subsequent assault phase..
And then on page 33, "Assault Vehicle: Passengers disembarking from Access Points on a vehicle with this special rule can charge on the turn they do so, even on a turn that the vehicle was destroyed".
If your vehicle is open topped or an assault vehicle, you can charge.
No change to grenades, other than the ability to throw them. No mention of gk specifically.
The "Sgt."
Q and A Sessions with people who had access to the 6th Edition Rulebook.
This Info Dump is a MUST. READ..
flyers can move at "zoom" speed and "hover" speed
zooming flyers can shoot up to four weapons at full BS if they move at combat/cruising speed. this is at ground targets
shots shot at skimmers must be "snap shot" which are hit on 6s unless you have the "skyfire" special rule
"skyfire": normal BS when shooting skimmers and flying MCs and skimmers snap shots against all other targets
MCs or jump infantry assaulting fliers. (I was sad when I read this :( ) - in fact I can't even see a way for flying MCs to get skyfire so they aren't even more effective at shooting flyers !!!
flyer rules say that "a zooming flyer cannot be assaulted" so I will assume that they cannot :(
Template, vlast and large blast weapons cannot hit flyers in zoom mode"
- I guess that solves that problem
the stormraven gunship is listed as a spacemarine vehicle in the appendix
it is also listed as BS4 AV12 all round HP 3, flyer, hover, transport
"shots resolved at a zooming flyer can only be resolved as Snap shots"
"If a model...snap shots...it's ballistic skill is counted as being 1 for the purpose of those shots"
(are you thinking marker lights to increase BS? If so I guess they would work along with any other BS boosting ability)
fortifications are deployed after mission type and deployment type are chosen, but before other terrain is placed. Fortifications are placed on your table half (not deployment zone) more than 3" from another fortification, starting with the player who chose table halves. It is worded in such a way that implies in the future some armies may be able to take more than one fortification slot.....
there are a few fortification types mentioned, all are imperial, (however the video implied you can "loot" imperial buildings for xenos armies) and also it says - check future white dwarfs and our web site for rules for future fortification types
All the gw kits have rules ie bastion, fortress of redemption etc.
Not faction specific. So build or modify your own tau or necron bastion as you see fit within commonsense "counts as" guidelines, of course.
the rulebook is remarkably silent as far as I have read on weather something is faction specific/build your own. All they have said is that more will be released in WD and on their web site)
Fortification listed in rulebook are:
Aegis defense line, Skyshield landing pad, Imperial bastion, Fortress of Redemption. All with appropriate and interesting special rules
Monstrous Creatures
confirmed MCs are AP2 (unless using AP1 weapon). can also perform "smash" attack - half attacks, double strength to maximum of 10. furthermore model making a smash attack can re-roll armour penetration rolls. Interestingly MCs no longer re-roll 2D6 armour penetration as far as I can see
on a related note (as I play nids) Furious charge is now +1S, but no I boost, and poison has been reworded to be "wound on a fixed number... unless a lower result would be required" so my trygons are dropping adrenals and taking up poisoned.... opposite of 5th
I do not see any way in which flying MCs/jump infantry can assault flyers unfortunately
Flying MCs that make a "swoop" move (as oppose to a "glide" move - similar to zoom move, can fire up to two weapons as per normal
Are Flying MCs able to use their new "Vector Strike" against flyers/other vehicles? Also, does Vector Strike dole out AP2 wounds?
YES!!!!! - so that's how flying MC's can hurt flyers!!! :D
See this is good for me too, thanks Muninn, you're a thinker :D
you make D3+1 hit, unmodified strength and AP 3 (not 2:( ). against vehicles these are resolved against side armour. a model who has made a vector strike counts as having shot one weapon, however you can choose a different target for your other weapon in the shooting phase
winged MCs are not flyers, they are "flying MCs" which have their own rules
2 phases; charge and fight
resolve the charge phase for each unit before you move on to fight phase
charge phase:
- pick a unit and declare unit it wishes to charge (also declare if multi-assaulting)
- each enemy unit nominated can resolve Overwatch fire (only once per turn, Snap shot, cannot cause morale or pinning tests)
- roll for range (usually 2D6 but theres a table for every different unit type)
- choose a combat to resolve ( the player whose turn it is decides)
- declare a challenge (move models base to base)
- starting at I10 and complete for each initiative step
- Pile in moves
- engaged models resolve attacks (roll to hit, roll to wound/armour penetration)
- resolve a challenge
- determine assault results - side that caused the least unsaved wounds loses. must take a morale check - no mention of fearless wounds - I believe it no longer exists - if losing side fails morale, then fall back and sweeping advance. If passes, continue on. If you cannot hurt the model you are in combat with you can elect to automatically fail morale check (fearless can't do this)
- consolidate D6
overwatch are: once per turn per unit, can't do if locked in combat, can't cause morale/pinning tests, shots fired can only be snap shots (BS1). they must also follow all other rules for shooting (line of site, cover, etc) so there are no directional restrictions
Pistols do not provide any additional bonuses in CC.
But taking the new "snap shot" rule into account, it could help in holding off an attack when you are being charged
Master crafted, reeroll one failed roll to hit per turn
gets hot will now give a vehicle a glancing hit on a to hit of one and a further role of 1, 2 or 3
If a model has the ability to re-roll it only suffers a wound if the re-roll is also a 1.
1. How are blast weapons fired. exactly as before
2. for flyers:any model within suffers a S10 hit with no armour saves allowed
"any models within suffer a S10 hit with no armour saves allowed"
for skimmers: no information listed under skimmer, will follow rules for normal transports I assume which are;unit suffers S4 AP- hits equal to number of models
3. twin linked blasts: you may reroll the 2D6 and scatter dice
twin linked templates: may reroll to wound and armour pen rolls
4. To hit chart not changed
template and ordnance, blast cannot be fired as snap shots, any weapon that does not use ballistic skill (e.g. monolith portal) cannot be snap fired
Sniper weapons:
rolls to hit of 6 are "precision shots" (you can choose how to allocate within unit)
always wounds on a 4+
Against vehicles sniper weapons are S3
Sniper weapons also have pinning and rending
So as I read max armour penetration is 3+D3=6
Melee Weapons
if unspecified: S: user AP: -
chainsword: S:user AP: -
Eviscerator S: x2 AP:2 USR:armourbane(2D6 armour pen), two handed, unwieldly (I1 unless walker/MC)
Heavy chainsword: S: +2 AP: 5 USR: two-handed
choppa not mentiond mandrake weapon not mentioned - therefore uses codex rules unless "generic CC weapon" in which case as above
S: User AP: - USR: Fleshbane(wounds on 2+), armourbane (2D6 armour penetration)
Lightning Claws
S: user AP: 3 USR: shred (reroll wounds), specialist weapon (need to have another specialist weapon to get +1 attacks) - the way I read this you could give them a lightning claw and a thunder hammer and still get +1 attack
Relic Blades
no mention of Relic Blades in the rulebook. As such they follow the rules in the codex I assume (I don't actually know the rules for relic blades off the top of my head)
a model fighting with this weapon never gains a bonus for having two weapons
No other generic bonuses/rules, although most two handed weapons have other bonuses specific to the weapon
power klaw and power fist are identical despite different entries
can never move faster than combat speed, can't move flat out (6" max move - yes 6, not 12)
for shooting, allways considered as having remained stationary (i.e. can move and shoot barrage, use full BS on all shots, etc...)
move normally for a vehicle of their type, if skimmer, can also make sweep attacks (3+/4+ depending on speed, chance to deal a melee attack for each attack in profile to a unit that you pass over during movement i.e. can do a melee attack in movement phase then disapear before retaliation)
shot same as other vehicles, rider cannot be individually targeted
can declare a charge - rider is considered to be in base to base with all models in base to base with the chariot, can strike and be struck as such, cannot be locked in combat, can't do a challenge
+1 to armour saves
crew is considered part of the chariot, can't attack, etc (basically ignored) Rider is fearless, can cause "Hammer of wrath" ->impact hit but gets D6 attacks resolved at S6 AP- (as oppose to 1 at user S)
1)searchlights used AFTER firing all weapons, can then choose to illuminate target, if so also illuminates self. Illumination lasts until the end of following turn. Illuminated units gain no benefit from night fighting special rule. (I assume this means that if a target is illuminated it doesn't get shrouded at 24-36" (+2 to cover save) or stealth at 12-24" (+1 cover save)
as a side note: extra armour gives crew stunned to crew shaken, not extra hull points. and vehicles are easier to hide (only need 25% of facing side to be obscured)
flyers can choose to use skyfire special rule at the start of shooting phase (i.e. normal BS for flyers, 6s for gorund)
standard: 6" combat, 12"cruising, 6" flat out (if a vehicle moves cruising can only snap fire, combat can fire single weapon at BS, others as snap shots)
Fast: 6" combat, 12" cruising, 12" flat out (combat speed can shoot as stationary, cruising can shoot two weapons at full BS and others as snap shot)
As Jink is a cover saver, yes it stacks with nightfighting
open topped vehicles: can be assaulted out of as in last edition
Bikes/Jump Infantry
if you charge a model behind a barricade/aegis defense line, you must take a dangerous terrain test.
Hammer of wrath (attack at I10 on charging), Jink(+5 cover if moving, 4+ if turbo boost), relentless
bikes turbo boost 12", jetbikes 24", eldar jetbikes 36"
otherwise no changes I believe
Bikes are still relentless and +1Toughness
Psychic Powers
Beam psychic power type: choose a point within range. draw a line 1mm thick between that point and middle of psyker base. first model hit at full S. next model at S-1, etc. Buildings take a hit as if it were another model and beam still continues. ruins/wall reduce beam strength by one as if they had taken a hit and beam continues. Friends and foes can be struck by said beam
perils of the warp: double 1s or double 6s. 1 wound with no saves of any kind allowed. double 1s still pass
no you do not. specifically states deny the witch does not work on force weapons. in addition deny the witch only works on offensive powers that target enemy units. Your enemy cannot deny the witch if the power targets your own squads.
as psychic hoods now only augment deny the witch by allowing all units within 6" take the psykers deny the witch roll, this means that augmentative psychic powers are AWESOME I reckon.
and on that note, alot of the "divination" powers are similar to the eldar powers, so you won't need to take eldrad as an ally to augment vect or anyone else for that matter....
"The Force USR (pg37) says they do, so long as the psyker expends a warp charge and passes a psychic test. No Deny the Witch saves vs this either.
Relentless models shoot; heavy, salvo and ordnance weapons counting as stationary even if they moved. They are also allowed to charge in the same turn they fired heavy, ordnance, rapid fire and salvo
Instant death, much the same as before
Eternal warrior ignores instant death
No different levels of two abilities
FNP saves are taken after saves, invul included (so yes you can take both).
FNP cannot be made against unsaved wounds that inflict instant death but there are no restrictions for AP1-2 weapons
Deepstrike mishaps are now 1: Destroyed, 2-3: misplaced, 4-6: delayed
set up the same
"a unit that deploys using these rules cannot charge in the first turn" --> bummer!!!!
IC can join infiltrators during deployment and infiltrate with them (even if they do not have infiltrate)
otherwise I believe it is the same
Acute senses: re roll if you arrive on a random table edge (outflank included)
outflank: I can't see any major changes
scout: infantry, artillery, walker and MC redeploy within 6", others redeploy within 12". Must remain 12" away from enemies. cannot charge in first turn. Otherwise the same (I believe)
Move through cover: role an extra D6 when rolling to move thorugh difficult terrain, pick the highest. Automatically pass dangerous terrain tests (!!) has no affect on charge or impact tests
as stated by others FNP does not work on force weapons as =instant death
I cannot think of any ways that we can manipulate things pro tyranids yet (although trust me I'm thinking about it, they're my army!) - although the changes to dangerous terrain and night fighting are massive boosts for venomthropes (I can explain my thoughts more if you're interested :D)
I have looked over it though and I can see no limitations on special characters named/independant or otherwise.
interestingly even battle brothers (best tupe) cannot embark in allied transports although they act as friendly/models of same army for practically everything else (i.e. IC joining and psychic powers)
If special characters can be used as allies? can you benefit from there special rules such as fateweaver letting you re-roll saves?
1) yes
2)if you are battle brothers yes, any other type of ally - no
Allies: one allied detachment per primary detachment (so at 2000 points where you can take two primary detachments, if you take a second primary detachment you can also take a second allied detachment, although as you can imagine this will chew up a lot of points)
There is no indication that this is not for normal games, so yes this is for standard games
I have come across absolutely no indication of forgeworld except that some of the army pictures have forgeworld models
Wound allocation:
choose the model closest to the firing unit. this model then takes a wound. if it passes it takes another wound, this continues until that model fails. his wounds are reduced by one. If this reduces his wounds to 0 he is removed as a casualty. you then pick the next closest model to the firing unit and repeat the process. This process is essentially the same if you have different armour saves/toughness/wargear/weapons. So it is the closest model that matters. So potentially one model could take 20 wounds for an entire squad - go space wolf terminator squad leaders...
With all of the new changes....I can't wait....can you???
Only 2 more days....
The "Sgt."
Monday, 25 June 2012
More Rules Exposed for Warlords (Including Strategic Chart), Beasts and Nightfighting In 6th Edition
Good Morning Everyone,
Here's An Update with more rules that you may want to take a look at.
Warlords, Beasts, and NightFighting in 6th edition:
Night Fighting possible in every game? Looks that way with nightfighting occuring on a 4+ round 1. (and you guys were worried that shooting armies would dominate).
The warlord charts are here, and right now I do not remember if you get to choose or you roll. It looks like you might choose a category, and then roll, but I do not recall hearing a definitive answer on this one.
via DJ3 and Rixitotal
Beasts ignore cover completely for assault purposes. Beastmasters finally get to hit at I5-6
Night Fight changed completely:
Every mission has Night Fight by default, but only on a 4+, including Turn 1. If it triggers, keep rolling each turn til it fails.
cant shoot over 36. over 24 away have shrouded (+2 cover save), over 12 away have stealth.
Night Vision now completely ignores Night Fight, as well.
It's important to note that doesn't include Acute Senses (which is now just a re-roll for Outflank), so we're mostly talking about Dark Eldar.
As a Dark Eldar Player, I have these questions: How many hull points on: - Venom - Raider - Ravager - Razorwing/voidraven
Has poison changed for shooting?
How far can a flat out fast skimmer go? (basically an outline of how tanks move + how it affects their shooting)
Can I move the raider 12" snap fire out with my passengers as im open topped and then flat out?
all 3 except venom, thats 2 like vipers.
poison is the same.
fast is 6 fire all, 12 fire 2 at bs and the rest as snapshot. then can go 18 as a flatout if ure a fast skimmer.
-cant fire out if u go flatout, neither can troops inside.
So passengers can fire 2 at BS and snapshot the rest if their open-topped transport moves 12"?
Is 18 the farthest you can go, or can fast skimmers still do 24"?
-no, turbo boosting and flatout is done in the shooting phase instead of shooting, u still move first. so fast skimmers can go 30 in 1 turn, eldar jet bikes can go 48!!! and no that shooting is for the vehicle.
You can move 6" after disembarking from a vehicle, even if the vehicle has moved at Combat Speed.
This undoes the vast majority of the problems we encountered after learning you can no longer disembark from Cruising Speed vehicles, and means Trukk/Raider armies aren't crippled as we feared.
The 2" disembark radius is gone, however, so those things are still slightly worse. You basically move 6" from the hull of the vehicle (or access point, where relevant).
I should have stated it better, but I was assuming context of previous rumors--we heard earlier that you cannot disembark when going Cruising Speed, so obviously you cannot disembark when going faster. I'll edit to clarify for anyone that hadn't heard that.
Warlord Charts
1. friendly units in 12 get to use your LD
2. enemy units in 12 use the lowest LD in their squad.
3. all friendly units in 12 get move through cover.
4. all friendly units in 12 may reroll running.
5. all friendly units in 12 re roll 1s to hit when shooting at an enemy within 3 of an objective.
6. all friendly units in 12 add 1 to charge distance.
1. warlord and his unit get counter attack if in own deployment zone.
2. warlord and his unit get furious charge if in enemy deployment zone.
3. warlord and any unit he joins in deployment get outflank.
4. get 1 VP for each character killed by you warlord.
5. your warlord and his unit get FnP if within 3 of an objective.
6. your warlord is a scoring unit.
1. all your units get move though cover for ruins and stealth in ruins.
2. you amy have night fighting on the first turn.
3. your outflanking units get acute senses.
4. while he is alive you may reroll reserve rolls.
5. while he is alive your opponent get -1 on reserve rolls.
6. after both sides have deployed but before scouts you may redeploy 1 unit 3D6 inches, or 3 units D6 inches, may not leave deployment zone
The "Sgt." : I am looking forward to the new warlord tables,. There are some powerful charts there. Working with the new ways that allies work there can be some deadly combinations that I can see in the future. There is a lot of information flowing today. Stay tuned to From The Emperors Throne for the latest news!
The "Sgt."
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